I started working on this Developer Console class earlier this week and I've learnt a lot of new stuff while doing it (especially string related stuff), i've decided to release for other people to use to:
Torrunt's AS3 Developer Console - http://code.google.com/p/as3developerc onsole/
An easy to install and use AS3 class that let's you access every public variable and function in your project while it's running through a console.
- Auto-complete/ Suggestions (use up/down keys to go through them)
- Used commands History (use up/down to go through them when the auto-complete box is NOT showing)
- Calculations when assigning or in parameters (+,-,/,*,%)
- Shorthand calculations (+=,-=,/=,etc)
- Echo function with multiple colours! :D
Type 'help' in console to get some help.
Install Instructions
(if you really need it)
- Save developerconsole.as to the same folder as your project (if you put it some where else: change the package name accordingly)
- Import the class at the top of your main class or on your first frame
- Make an object called 'console' or whatever you want.
- Make it equal a new developerconsole and pass in your main class or the stage if you don't use have one (e.g: console = new developerconsole(this);) and add it (addChild(console);).
- Then just call console.open() to bring it up and console.close() to close it. (use console.opened to see if it's open all not).
http://filesmelt.com/dl/arrayliteral.j pg
What do you guys think? Hope other people can get some use out of this as well.
Updated to v1.01 - (6/09/2010)
- Added slightly more Documentation
- Added error command (echos a message in red)
- Calling functions echos their return value (change 'returnFunctions' to turn it on or off)
- Fixed up some code (Feel kind of stupid when i saw what i did in the stringToFunc Function)
Wow, this is awesome! I've always wondered if one could get something like this, Thanks dude!